Lowongan di Oberthur Technologies


Oberthur Technologies - A leader in security solution is expanding its research and development center in Jakarta and looking for talented individuals to join the company. At Oberthur Technologies, you will LEARN the latest mobile security technology. You will DEVELOP the state-of-the-art security solution. You will GROW and contribute to creating Jakarta Center Of Excellence

We are currently looking for talented people to fill the positions as follow :


Requirements :
1. Have minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from computer science, informatics engineering, or other related major
2. Have knowledge in C, C++, Java programming language
3. Have knowledge in Embedded system and/or microcontroller (no. 1)
4. Experience in managing the team, min. 1 year is preferred
5. English communication
6. Have Experience in Software Development Lifecycle

Just forward your referral resume and related documents to idcareer1@oberthurcs.com
by post to P O BOX 4914 JKTM 12700 or online application through http://cdc.ui.ac.id

Website ww.oberthur.com

Lowongan di PT Agricon Indonesia


Agricon is one of the leading agrochemical company in Indonesia. We are committed to improve quality of life of our stake holders through continuously honoring God in all we do, developing our human resources, pursuing excellence and growing profitably.

With the spirit of PARTNERSHIPS as our values, we are inviting potential people to fill our vacancy as follow :

(Bogor based)

· 1 – 2 experience in Organization Development, including Training & Recruitment
· S1, majoring Psychology or Human Resources Management
· Integrity, Team Work, Very Good Analytical Thinking,
· Willing to travel all over company’s branches

Interested applicants are invited to submit their complete resume by e-mail to :

online application through http://cdc.ui.ac.id

with the subject mentioning position. All applications will be treated in strictly confidential and only short listed candidates will be notified.

AGRICON together for a better life

Lowongan di morganstanley


We are currently seeking a Junior Assistant for our Jakarta Office with the following requirements:

1. Holds S-1 degree in Economics, Accounting or Law / fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
2. Good interpersonal and communication skill
3. Good command in Economy terminologies
4. Computer literate
5. Good command of oral and written English
6. Highly initiative & self motivated, independent, positive attitude
7. Strong motivation, discipline & dedication
8. Well organizer, trustworthy and securing confidential matter

Please send your CV to :

Lowongan di PT Etrading Securities


Sehubungan dengan adanya kebutuhan sumber daya untuk memenuhi salah satu posisi di PT. ETRADING SECURITIES yang berdomisili di Wisma GKBI 17th Floor Suite 1715 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.28 Jakarta 10210, kami sedang membutuhkan tenaga baru untuk posisi :

IT Staff

kualifikasi sbb:
1. Fresh Graduate
2. Pendidikan min S1 Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Elektro
3. Mengerti UNIX / SUN Server
4. Mengerti NT. Server

Bagi pelamar yang sesuai dengan kualifikasi masukan resume anda secara online di web CDC-UI atau melalui email ke recruitment@etrading.co.id

Lowongan di Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia



International Center for Development in Islamic Finance – Lembaga Pengembangan Perbankan Indonesia (ICDIF-LPPI) bekerjasama dengan Bank Indonesia dan Industri Perbankan Syariah menawarkan program khusus bagi para sarjana yang ingin bekerja dan berkarir di perbankan Syariah.

- Lulusan Sarjana (S1) dari semua jurusan, perguruan tinggi dalam dan luar negeri
- IPK minimal 3,00
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun pada 31 Desember 2010
- Berbadan sehat diperlihatkan dengan surat keterangan dokter
- Diutamakan untuk yang belum menikah

- Tes Potensi Akademik
- Psikotes
- Tes Bahasa Inggris (khusus bagi yang belum memiliki nilai TOEFL min. 500)
- Wawancara oleh bank yang akan menerima

PENDAFTARAN : Dimulai Bulan Juli 2010
- Online di web CDC-UI (http://cdc.ui.ac.id)
- Online di Website LPPI, www.lppi.or.id

Kampus LPPI
Jl. Kemang Raya No.35
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
Telp. : +62 21 71790919 ext. 375
Mobile : 0812 84494896 (Sdri. Sri Astuti), 0816 1173356 (Sdr. M.Nur Hadi)
Fax. : +62 21 7195411

NB : Open House

Ø 31 Juli 2010, pukul 14.30 s.d. 17.00 WIB

Di Gedung Serbaguna- Kampus LPPI
Jl. Kemang Raya No.35, Jakarta Selatan

Ø 6 Agustus 2010, pukul 14.30 s.d. 17.00 WIB

Di Islamic Festival & Halal Expo 2010-07-23
Balai Kartini
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto, Jakarta



PT. SOUTH PACIFIC VISCOSE, sebuah perusahaan (PMA Eropa) yang bergerak di bidang industri chemical processing yang memiliki kualitas terbaik di asia membutuhkan tenaga muda yang enejik untuk dididik sebagai :

Syarat dan Ketentuan:
1. Usia maksimal 26 tahun
2. Pendidikan S-1 Sarjana Teknik (ST) dengan IPK minimum 3.00
3. Memiliki nilai TOEFL minimum 500
4. Bersedia mengikuti ikatan dinas di PT. South Pacific Viscose selama 1 (satu) tahun setelah lulus program IGP

Bagi peserta yang berminat silahkan mengirimkan application letter dan CV via E-mail ke :
recruitment@pt-spv.com dengan subject : International Graduate Program (IGP) or apply online at: http://cdc.ui.ac.id

Application letter & CV kami terima paling lambat tanggal 9 Agustus 2010 Keuntungan mengikuti program ini :
1. Setiap peserta akan di ikutkan job experiencing di Kantor pusat dan cabang cabang perusahaan kami yang berlokasi di Asia, Eropa dan Amerika
2. Memiliki karir yang jelas



We are a leading environmental services company in Asia, operated since 1994 at Indonesia for integrated hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility.

We are urgently seeking to recruit 2 outstanding new Graduates Computing Engineer, focused technologist to join our application project development & maintenance Team.

On top of a very strong academic record, we are looking for a developer who can use their initiative, wants to know how and why things work!

We are looking to hire developers with 0-1 years experience and will provide full and unrivalled onsite training and support.

Excellent development opportunity working within a high quality experienced development environment skill.

Programmer & Database Administrator

Skills Required & Responsibilities:
The job purpose of Database Programmer & Administrator are to manage the company databases & reporting’s in terms of upload, accuracy, efficiency, maintenance and more important, be part of an ASEAN IT project team focus mainly on development and on new web base platform.

Administrate actual database software’s, reporting, control access to the global company information, ensuring that it is updated accurately and on-schedule to support the functional area end-user requirements and enhancements.

Part of projects Team you will work on new high-tech innovative systems and design and you will also has to work very hard at peripheral tasks like planning, schedule, documentation, training, communication, bugs solving.

1. No Prior relevant experience is required but strong academic background with a computing engineer degree score A+, from one of the leading Indonesia Universities is mandatory.
2. Must be very organized and know how to join his dead line in respect to a panning and schedule.
3. Detail oriented, excellent problem solving skills and ability to prioritize and multitask. Proven analytical skills.
4. Understand in server side scripting using ASP (Active Server Pages)
5. Good Crystal Report knowledge & skills.
6. Have good knowledge in database design, information system development, and SDLC (system development life cycle).
7. Have knowledge in data warehousing/business intelligence.
8. Proficient in SQL Server 2000/2005 for database engine, reporting services, integration services, and analysis services.
9. Have very strong knowledge and experience in SQL Query (T-SQL).
10. Have very good knowledge and experience in Visual Studio 2005/2008 both Windows/Web application (in Visual Basic or C# languages, Access & Excel )
11. Team player and manage to work under pressure.
12. Creative & innovative
13. Requires good communication and writing/documenting skills. with fluency in English

A real passion for the Web and to be in touch with current technical innovation and advances!

Please send your application letter, CV and one of your recent photographs (passport size) at the latest on July 24, 2010, Interview period limited only between Jully19 to 26, 2010:

Jl. Raya Narogong – Desa Nambo
PO Box 18
Cileungsi, Gn. Putri – Bogor 16820

Lowongan di PT Dexa Medica



Job Description :
1. Memahami proses uraian jabatan dan kompetensi jabatan
2. Memahami penyusunan job analysis (pembuatan job desc) dan pembobotan jabatan
3. Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan survei terhadap permasalahan organisasi
4. Memiliki kemauan dan sanggup terhadap tugas atau projek yang diberikan

1. IPK min 3,25
2. Pendidikan S1 Psikologi, Teknik Industri, Ekonomi
3. Usia max. 28 th
4. Terbuka untuk Fresh graduate
5. Lebih disukai berpengalaman min. 1th di bidang yang sama
6. Memiliki standar kerja, motivasi dan kemampuan perencanaan
7. Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik, ulet dan kemauan belajar
8. Mudah beradaptasi
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta

Jika Saudara sesuai dengan persyaratan dan berminat, silahkan kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap dan terbaru. Serta cantumkan kode posisi HROD pada email saudara ke :

HRD PT Dexa Medica
email : recruitment @dexa-medica.com

Lowongan di PT. Tempo Scan Pacific, Tbk.


PT. Tempo Scan Pacific, Tbk. adalah salah satu holding company dari The Tempo Group, kelompok usaha tersebut bergerak antara lain pada beberapa bidang usaha seperti memproduksi dan memasarkan produk-produk farmasi, suplemen kesehatan, perawatan kesehatan, produk-produk kebutuhan rumah tangga dan kosmetika dengan merek-merek terkenal baik yang dimiliki sendiri maupun berdasarkan perjanjian lisensi.

Saat ini salah satu anak perusahaan PT. Tempo Scan Pacific, Tbk, membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang ahli, berdedikasi tinggi, berpengalaman, dengan latar belakang akademis yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan untuk mengisi jabatan berikut :


1. Wanita berusia 24 – 29 tahun;
2. Minimum lulusan S 1, lebih diutamakan jurusan Teknik/Management;
3. Fresh Graduate / Berpengalaman minimal 2 tahun sebagai Product Executive / Marketing Executive di Personal Care Cosmetics, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) atau Farmasi;
4. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik, secara vertical maupun horizontal;
5. Mampu membangun kerjasama yang baik dan mempunyai drive serta energi yang tinggi;
6. Tidak mudah menyerah dan memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi;
7. Pekerja keras, jujur, teliti, disiplin, matang, dan mampu bekerja dalam tekanan yang cukup tinggi;
8. Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan;
9. Menguasai Microsoft Office (Komputer) dan internet

Segera kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV serta pas foto terbaru & cantumkan kode dari posisi yang diinginkan (paling lama 2 minggu dari tanggal iklan ini terbit) ke:

HRD – PCC Division
Email: hrd_pcc@thetempogroup.com

Lowongan di PT. Mitra Produktif (Mipro) Indonesia


Jika anda sedang mencari lowongan kerja baik fresh graduated dan pengalaman silahkan kirim cv ke kami di cs@mipro.co.id. Kami merupakan perusahaan jasa yang bergerak di bidang jasa outsourcing dan supply tenaga kerja ke manufacturing yang berdomisil sekitar karawang, bekasi, cibitung, dan purwakarta.

Lowongan yang ada saat ini di client kami :

1. QC staff usia maksimum 33 mengerti HACCP & GMP pengalaman min 2 tahun untuk pabrik makan di daerah narogong bekasi
2. sekretaris marketing usia maksimum 30 tahun, bisa mengoperasikan komputer, bisa membuat PIVOT, penampilan menarik dan pengalaman di marketing
3. Regional export sales staff, usia maksimum 30 tahun bisa maintain buyer, acquiring buyer, confectionary export, single
4. Safety, health, waste control officer HRGA untuk pabrik keramik di cikarang, mengerti ISO 140000, mengenal amdal/k3/evakuasi kebakaran/perlengkapan, mengerti produksi ceramic, management

terima kasih
PT. Mitra Produktif (Mipro) Indonesia
Komplek Perkantoran Johar Indah Blok A 23
Jl. Syech Quro no. 1 Karawang

Lowongan di PT Cicero Indonesia


Sebuah perusahaan percetakan, konsultan design dan penerbitan terkemuka membutuhkan tenaga – tenaga muda, energik, dan antusias untuk berkarier di dunia percetakan, penerbitan & design consultant sebagai :

Level Manager :

A. Manager Keuangan
1. Pria/Wanita, usia max.35 tahun
2. Pendidikan S2 jurusan Accounting/Management
3. Memiliki pengetahuan PSAK dan UU Perpajakan
4. Diutamakan yang menguasai Software Accurate versi 3
5. Menguasai program komputer Microsoft-Office
6. Pengalaman dibidang Finance/Accounting min.3 tahun
7. Mampu berbahasa inggris baik Lisan maupun Tulisan

Level Supervisor

B. Supervisor Genral Affair
1. Pria/wanita, max. 27 tahun
2. Min. D3/S1 bidang manajemen/akuntansi
3. Menguasai tatacara import barang (L/C)
4. Pengalaman di bidang pengadaan industri percetakan (min 2 tahun)
5. Mampu berkomunikasi dan bernegosiasi dengan baik
6. Menguasai program Microsoft-Office
7. Mampu berbahasa inggris baik Lisan maupun Tulisan

C. Supervisor Accounting & Tax
1. Pria/ Wanita, usia max 27 tahun
2. Min. D3/S1 bidang akuntansi
3. Memiliki pengetahuan PSAK dan UU Perpajakan
4. Diutamakan yang menguasai Software Accurate versi 3
5. Diutamakan yang telah berserfikat Brevet A/B
6. Menguasai program Microsoft-Office
7. Pengalaman min. 2 tahun dibidangnya

D. Supervisor Human Resources (HRD)
1. Wanita, usia max 27 tahun
2. Min. S1 bidang hukum ataun psikologi
3. Memiliki pengetahuan mengenai UU perburuhan (UU No. 13)
4. Memiliki pengetahuan hubungan industrial, remunerasi dan pengelolaan sdm
5. Pengalaman min. 2 tahun dibidang HRD
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di area pabrik kawasan industri Cikande - Serang
7. Menguasai program Microsoft-Office

Level Staff

E. Staff Administrasi
1. Laki-laki ; max 35 tahun
2. Min. D3/sederajat, semua jurusan
3. Memiliki ketrampilan surat menyurat, system filing & dokumentasi
4. Menguasai program Microsoft-Office
5. Memiliki kendaraan bermotor ; SIM A dan atau C

Kirimkan Lamaran ke:

PT Cicero Indonesia
Jl. H. Marzuki (Jl. Raya Bogor Km.25)
Ciracas, Jakarta 13740
Telp. (021) 871 9676- Fax. (021) 871 9848

UP. HRD Manager
Email :
cc dewi_prabawaningsih@yahoo.com
cc info@ciceroindonesia.com



We are a leading environmental services company in Asia, operated since 1994 at Indonesia for integrated hazardous waste treatment and disposal facility.

We are urgently seeking to recruit 2 outstanding new Graduates Computing Engineer, focused technologist to join our application project development & maintenance Team.

On top of a very strong academic record, we are looking for a developer who can use their initiative, wants to know how and why things work!

We are looking to hire developers with 0-1 years experience and will provide full and unrivalled onsite training and support.

Excellent development opportunity working within a high quality experienced development environment skill.

Programmer & Database Administrator

Skills Required & Responsibilities:
The job purpose of Database Programmer & Administrator are to manage the company databases & reporting’s in terms of upload, accuracy, efficiency, maintenance and more important, be part of an ASEAN IT project team focus mainly on development and on new web base platform.

Administrate actual database software’s, reporting, control access to the global company information, ensuring that it is updated accurately and on-schedule to support the functional area end-user requirements and enhancements.

Part of projects Team you will work on new high-tech innovative systems and design and you will also has to work very hard at peripheral tasks like planning, schedule, documentation, training, communication, bugs solving.

1. No Prior relevant experience is required but strong academic background with a computing engineer degree score A+, from one of the leading Indonesia Universities is mandatory.
2. Must be very organized and know how to join his dead line in respect to a panning and schedule.
3. Detail oriented, excellent problem solving skills and ability to prioritize and multitask. Proven analytical skills.
4. Understand in server side scripting using ASP (Active Server Pages)
5. Good Crystal Report knowledge & skills.
6. Have good knowledge in database design, information system development, and SDLC (system development life cycle).
7. Have knowledge in data warehousing/business intelligence.
8. Proficient in SQL Server 2000/2005 for database engine, reporting services, integration services, and analysis services.
9. Have very strong knowledge and experience in SQL Query (T-SQL).
10. Have very good knowledge and experience in Visual Studio 2005/2008 both Windows/Web application (in Visual Basic or C# languages, Access & Excel )
11. Team player and manage to work under pressure.
12. Creative & innovative
13. Requires good communication and writing/documenting skills. with fluency in English

A real passion for the Web and to be in touch with current technical innovation and advances!

Please send your application letter, CV and one of your recent photographs (passport size) at the latest on July 24, 2010, Interview period limited only between Jully19 to 26, 2010:

Jl. Raya Narogong – Desa Nambo
PO Box 18
Cileungsi, Gn. Putri – Bogor 16820


Email to : iskandar.zulkarnain@ppli-indo.com

Lowongan di PT. Unilever


Detail lowongan klik DISINI

Lowongan di Mitrais


Mitrais is a long established Asia Pacific company specializing in Software Development, Mining Solutions and Medical Information Systems.

If you are energetic, committed, and confident and in need of a new experience working away from the hustle and bustle of a big city, we invite you to join our team of 200 software engineers to work in a challenging and highly advanced software engineering environment located in Kuta and Sanur, Bali.


We welcome Fresh Graduates with relevant degree (Bachelor/S1) in IT to join us as Junior Programmers. A formal Induction Program will be provided. We also grant relocation allowances including airfare for employees recruited outside Bali. All promotions are based on merit following our Competency System.
We invite you to come to our Recruitment Roadshow as scheduled below. Please bring your comprehensive resume, recent photographs, academic transcript, certificates and a copy of your ID card on the day of the event.
Please submit your application online at: http://careers.mitrais.com

General Conditions for the position:
1. Competitive Salary.
2. All promotions are based on merit and are based on our Competency System.
3. Opportunity for travel to client sites in Indonesia and overseas.
4. Annual Return Airfares.
5. Attractive Relocation Allowance to Bali will be provided.
6. Induction course will start in Bali on 27th September 2010.

About Mitrais: MITRAIS is Indonesia’s leading Software Development focused on the International Market with more than 200 developers located in Bali.

Lowongan di PT. Cygnet Pericon


Cygnet Pericon is a provider of Business Intelligence (BI) and Regulatory Compliance Solutions for the Financial Services Industry in the Asia Pacific region. Our BI solution helps business organizations deliver profitable customer acquisition and retention strategies, timely and focused answers for risk management concerns, and the insight to track, understand and manage corporate performance. We also leverage on our partners' knowledge and world-class experiences to deliver global products and solutions localized to the needs of our customers.

For our Jakarta office, we are looking for a:

Business Analyst

To analyze, develop, implement and maintain an automated regulatory reporting product for banks using an industry proven software toolset.

1. Analyze, specify, develop and maintain reporting requirements of the regulatory bodies in Indonesia.
2. Provide support for the developed product.

1. Preferable to hold a formal accounting qualification.

1. Current and complete knowledge of Indonesian regulatory reporting regime (LBU Basel2, LLD, LHBU, SID, LKPBU, etc.)
2. Several years experience in the banking industry.
3. Self-starter with the ability to work independently
4. A team-worker that shares information and knowledge with the other team-members
5. Able to adopt a structured approach to projects and the ability to set priorities

Specific Knowledge Requirements:
1. Thorough expertise in Banking Instruments
2. Expertise in Risk Measurement and Liquidity is a strong asset
3. Back-office banking systems, accounting systems and procedures especially in reporting, interfacing to these systems and data extraction
4. Computer literate, familiarity of the PC in a windows environment and productivity tools like MS-Office Products
5. Good understanding of databases, storing data, general approach to data retrieval
6. Professional knowledge of English and Bahasa Indonesia

Data Warehouse Analyst

As a Data Warehouse Analyst you perform database analysis and design in solving complex problems. You define architecture, including database structures and metadata, and develop and maintain best practices for data extraction, data loading, and data transformation into and out of a data warehouse or data mart.

To lead and consult on all the stages within the data warehouses and data environments:
* • overall design, implementation, integration of data warehouses and data environments
* • construction and testing, including data design, database architecture, metadata and repository creation

A degree holder in Computer Science, Information System.

1. Provide technical oversight and direction to Data Warehouse and business intelligence design and development activities
2. Define and maintain the Data Warehouse Target Architecture
3. Define the future state of the Data Warehouse domain
4. Develop plan to achieve the Data Warehouse Target Architecture
5. Leverage the client’s Enterprise Architecture Relationship
6. Partner with Solution Architects to define the future state based on analytical requirements from each business vertical.
7. Thorough understanding of Data Warehouse technologies.
8. Extensive data profiling, data modeling, entity-relationship modeling and dimensions modeling experience.
9. Expert SQL skills on SQL Server.
10. Brand name ETL tool experience, with expertise in developing complicated ETL mappings.
11. Understanding dimensional and 3NF data architectures
12. Understanding of business processes, workflow, data mapping and cross-data integration in complex data warehouse environments.
13. Extensive experience transforming business requirements into technical specifications and source-to-target mappings.
14. Experience with relational (OLTP) and dimensional (BI/ Data Warehouse) databases
15. BI and Data Warehousing best practices and industry standards.
16. Demonstrated leadership skills and experienced driving to solutions in a team environment.

ETL – Business Objects Designer/Developer

Analysis, design, implementation and support of extract, transform and load (ETL) processes to support a Risk Management/Regulatory Reporting/Financial Reporting.

1. Liaise with data source expert(s) to understand the underlying database for extraction purposes, liaise with Business Analyst(s) to design jobs, work flows and data flows to perform transformation required to populate the target database.
2. Conduct testing and tuning of the developed ETL jobs to ensure system correctness, completeness and high performance execution.
3. Ensure proper documentation for each developed ETL jobs

A degree holder in Computer Science or Information System.

1. Proficient in designing, developing, and implementing ETL solutions and providing quality data services. Oracle Warehouse Builder experience and Strong PL/SQL experience is desirable. SQS Server Integration Services (SSIS) experience preferred.
2. Proficient in analyzing business/data requirements, writing metadata definitions, and writing data mapping specifications.
3. Minimum 1-3 years experience in querying and analyzing data sources to understand the data and determine logic for data transformations.
4. Experience working in the Banking industry is a plus.
5. Proficient in data analysis, defect identifications and resolutions.
6. Excellence in oral/written communications in English, interpersonal relations, and team cooperation.
7. Self-starter with the ability to work independently.
8. Able to adopt a structured approach to projects and the ability to set priorities.

Specific Knowledge Requirements:
1. Familiarity with Oracle data warehousing features such materialized views, bitmap indexes, IOTs, external tables, etc. especially as ETL pertains to them.
2. Experience with Business Objects preferred.
3. Experience with Oracle 10g or 9i preferred.
4. Experience with SQS Server Integration Services (SSIS) preferred.

SharePoint / .Net Developer

This position requires a developer that has extensive (min. 1-3 years experience) in developing custom application (e.g. HR application, loan origination, etc) for banking purposes.

1. Work with customers to understand their business requirements
2. Think outside the box to provide solutions that stretch capabilities and provide users with a rich and user friendly portal interface
3. Overall understanding of the application and how it addresses customer needs
4. Reporting/communication with Project Manager
5. Create and implement development standards and methodology
6. Potential On-Call duties

A degree holder in Computer Science or Information System.

1. Experience working in the Banking industry preferred
2. Design of multi-tier Web based solutions on the Microsoft .NET platform
3. Anticipate, mitigate, identify, troubleshoot, and resolve SharePoint problems.
4. Web Technologies: HTML/DHTML/XHTML/XML, XSLT, JavaScript, VBScript, CSS, ASP, .NET, Web Services
5. Relational Database Experience in SQL Server delivering database-based Web pages, data modeling and design, SQL language skills including design of event triggers and stored procedures
6. Web Design, Layout, and Development - special consideration given to advanced Web part development
7. Work as the project architect on functional and technical solutions considering usability and performance during all phases of development
8. Ensure the integrity and security of SharePoint data in accordance with business needs and industry best-practices regarding privacy, security, and regulatory compliance.
9. Proficient in data analysis, defect identifications and resolutions
10. Excellence in oral/written communications in English, interpersonal relations, and team cooperation
11. Self-starter with the ability to work independently
12. Able to adopt a structured approach to projects and the ability to set priorities
13. 1-3+ years applications development experience including design, coding, testing, and implementation
14. Strong organizational, written and verbal communication skills

Technical Consultant

An entry / junior level position for Analysis, design, implementation and support of extract, transform and load (ETL) processes to support a Risk Management/Regulatory Reporting/Financial Reporting.

1. Liaise with data source expert(s) to understand the underlying database for extraction purposes, liaise with Business Analyst(s) to design jobs, work flows and data flows to perform transformation required to populate the target database.
2. Conduct testing and tuning of the developed ETL jobs to ensure system correctness, completeness and high performance execution.
3. Ensure proper documentation for each developed ETL jobs

A degree holder in Computer Science or Information System.

Specific Requirements:
1. Proficient in designing, developing, and implementing ETL solutions and providing quality data services.
2. Proficient in analyzing business/data requirements, writing metadata definitions, and writing data mapping specifications.
3. Experience in PL/SQL or Oracle is desirable.
4. Course work and experience in database as well as in querying and analyzing data sources to understand the data and determine logic for data transformations are preferred.
5. Proficient in data analysis, defect identifications and resolutions.
6. Excellence in oral/written communications in English, interpersonal relations, and team cooperation.
7. Self-starter with the ability to work independently.
8. Able to adopt a structured approach to projects and the ability to set priorities.

NOTE: Only those candidates meeting the criteria above will be considered.

In addition to a casual yet dynamic work atmosphere, we offer competitive compensation and benefits and the possibility to participate in international projects in Asia.

Interested? Contact our HR department now! Please send e-mail to: hrd2010@cygnetpericon.com

Lowongan di American Prep


American Prep, pionir lembaga Tutorial Plus, membutuhkan :

1. Staff HRD dan beberapa Pengajar Part-Time (fee per sesi yang menarik) / Full-Time (income lebih baik dari rata-rata guru) :

2. Matematika SMA
3. Kimia SMA
4. Biologi SMA
5. Fisika SMA
6. Bahasa Inggris

Syarat :
1. S2/S1/D3 dgn IPK min. 2,7 (semua)
2. Stamina kuat & bertanggung jawab (semua)
3. Jur. Psikologi ATAU berpengalaman dlm Rekrutmen (1)
4. Aktif, dinamis, dan punya kendaraan sendiri (1)
5. Good Spoken English (2-6)
6. Bersedia mengajar di JAKSEL, JAKBAR, atau Bintaro (2-6)
7. Jur. Matematika / Statistika / Pendidikan Matematika (2)
8. Jur. Kimia / Teknik Kimia / Farmasi / Teknik Gas & Petro Kimia / Pendidikan Kimia (3)
9. Jur. Biologi / Pendidikan Biologi / Fak. (Teknologi) Pertanian / Kehutanan / Kelautan / Lainnya yang berkaitan (4)
10. Jur. Fisika / Pendidikan Fisika / Fak. Teknik (5)
11. Jur. tak ditentukan / bebas, tapi bisa Strong English Writing (6)
12. Nilai Plus: Alumni Kls Advanced atau Guru ILP / LIA (6)

(mahasiswa, alumni, professional, dll)

Kirim CV, fee per sesi yang diminta*), dll sebelum 16 Agustus 2010 ke:

Lowongan di PT. Anabatic Teknologi



Anabatic Technologies has provided an integrated IT Solution for major companies in Indonesia. We have served varieties of businesses ranging from Banking to Telecommunication, Pharmaceutical, Government/Public Sector. Anabatic has grown to be one of the foremost IT companies in Indonesia today.

Visit our website: www.anabatic.co.id

With the existence of this fast business development, then at this time we opened an opportunity for you who wanted to grow and had a career with us for the position as Technical Consultant with criteria as follows:

1. Education background: Information Technology, Computer Science (Software
2. Engineer) from reputable university, with minimum GPA 3.00 / 4.00
3. Fresh graduate are welcome
4. Having excellent skill of programming
5. Has pleasant personality, responsible, discipline, team player and hard-worker

For candidates who were interested having a career in IT Solution area, could send their CV to hrd@anabatic.co.id

Lowongan di Jatis Group


Jatis Group is one of the leading IT Solution providers, from both business and technical perspectives. We provide Enterprise Application Integration, as well as Professional Services complemented by our consulting delivery and third party partner products to rapidly deploy technology services to our customers. Comprises of Jatis Solutions and Jatis Mobile, Jatis Group is striving to continuously provide integrated, cutting-edge solutions. Jatis is a gold partner of Oracle Corp., and recently awarded as the best implementer in Retail, Distribution, and Manufacturing in Indonesia.

In view of our expansion, we would like to invite dedicated and promising individuals to be part of our team with qualification as follow:


1. Min Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering,
2. Physics and Math Science.
3. Min 3,00 out of 4,00 CGPA from a reputable university with good interpersonal, presentation and writing skills.
4. Good command in English. Excellent track record in extracurricular activities.
5. Energetic, enthusiastic and adaptable to different environment.
6. Team player with dynamic leadership capabilities.
7. Fast learner, creative and innovative, motivated and result-driven attitude.
8. Strong interest and passion in programming tasks/ Information Technology (basic programming skill using any kind of language will be an added advantage).


1. Bachelor degree in Computer Science, preferably with GPA min 3.00. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
2. Have strong knowledge and skill in: Java Developer, at least two of: J2EE, J2SE, J2ME, Struts Framework, Object Oriented programming.
3. Experienced using JMS, EJB, JDBC or any technology provided by the market leader.
4. Hard worker, team player, thrive in an extremely fast paced environment.


1. Bachelor degree in Computer Science, preferably with GPA min 3.00. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
2. Have strong knowledge and skill in C#.Net Developer: .Net framework, C#, SQL, ASP.Net and RDBMS: Oracle, SQL – Server.
3. Good in algorithm, pattern and practice.
4. Fast learner, Hard worker and eager to learn.
5. Thrive in an extremely fast paced environment.


1. Bachelor Degree in Computer Science from reputable universities, preferably with GPA min 3.00.
2. Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
3. Have knowledge in Information System Design/Development
4. (experience in data warehouse or business intelligence projects is a plus).
5. Hard worker, team player, thrive in an extremely fast paced environment.


1. Bachelor degree in Computer Science, preferably with GPA min 3.00. Fresh graduates are welcome to apply.
2. Knowledge of J2ME for mobile device is mandatory.
3. Knowledge of Eclipse/Netbeans tools, BREW, Symbian, Belackberry JDE, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, Android, Widger, or WAP, PHP and MySQL is preferred, Visual Studio .Net with C++ or C# , also encourage to apply.

Please send us your application with comprehensive resume, putting the position in the subject of your email to:

id.recruitment@jatis.com or online application through http://cdc.ui.ac.id.

PT Jatis Solutions, Sona Topas Tower 5th fl, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 26, Jakarta Selatan 12920, http://www.jatis.com

Lowongan di Hotel Salak The Heritage


We are a four stars hotel which located in Bogor with Free Wireless Internet, 12 meeting rooms @ 10 up to 1000 persons, Business Center, 120 rooms, Café & Restaurant, Travel Agent, Kids Club, Fitness Center and Swimming Pool, Art Shop, Beauty Salon and Spa, Herbal Outlet, etc invite you to join with our team as :


1. Male/Female with max of age 26 years old
2. Graduated from State University
3. Bachelor Degree from computer science with min GPA 3.00
4. Familiar with PHP, MYSQL, Website
5. Height for Male min 168 cm & Female min 160 cm
6. (Height measurement must be written in application letter)


1. Male/Female with max of age 26 years old
2. Graduated from State University
3. Bachelor Degree with min GPA 3.00
4. Engineering of Architecture Faculty
5. Master in computer technique ( Autocad, 3D Smax, Photoshop )
6. Attach port folio
7. Height for Male min 168 cm & Female min 160 cm
8. (Height measurement must be written in application letter)


1. Male/Female with max of age 26 years old
2. Graduated from State University
3. Bachelor Degree with min GPA 3.00
4. Faculty of Engineering Majoring Mechanical & Electrical
5. Height for Male min 168 cm & Female min 160 cm
6. (Height measurement must be written in application letter)

Send your application letter not later than July 31st 2010


Jl.Ir.H.Juanda No. 08 Bogor 16121
Online application through http://cdc.ui.ac.id

Lowongan di IndoPacific Edelman


Edelman is the largest global independent public relations consultancy and provides a full spectrum of public relations services to help build image for the world’s leading companies and brands. Indo Pacific Edelman commenced operations in 1993, and is Indonesia’s largest public relations firm, with over 114 fulltime employees. The firm specializes in six business practice areas: Financial & Investor Relations; Healthcare; Corporate; Public Affairs/Government Relations; Technology; and Brand PR. IndoPacific Edelman has on its client roster leading multinational and national companies across the above sectors.

IndoPacific Edelman has a current requirement for:

Account Executive (position code: AE)

1. The Account Executive responsible for providing account support in the development and implementation of public relations programs under the supervision of the Group/Account Manager. His or her duties will include:
2. General account service administration and project coordination
3. Preparation of client status report and media relation
4. Completing all assigned task professionally in timely manner and in line with company policy and procedure
5. Controlling budget and supplier costs in relation to assigned task
6. Provide suggestion and initiate improvements to elements of programs being undertaken
7. Initiate and maintain relevant media liaison.
8. Participate in the formulation and review of client communications strategies with the Account Manager or Group Manager.

General Requirements:
1. Posses diploma or bachelor degree majoring in communication or public relation or other related studies
2. Having considerable working or internship experience related to public relation
3. Able to implement basic level knowledge of public relations principles and practices.
4. Excellent in both oral and written communications skills in Bahasa Indonesia and English.
5. High degree of interpersonal skills
6. A team player with excellent skill in organizing and time management
7. Ability to think creatively, critically, and strategically
8. Excellent ability to adapt to new conditions, assignments and deadlines.
9. High level of initiative and motivation to learn.
10. Having solid knowledge of MS Office Suite.
11. Demonstrated good writing ability

IndoPacific Edelman presents excellent learning, growth prospects and a clear career path for those looking for a future in communications. This is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for challenging opportunities in a dynamic and learning environment.

Interested applicants meeting the above qualifications should send their resume to agnes.diah@indopacedelman.com or penti.sekarasih@indopacedelman.com

Lowongan PT. Sampoerna Tbk


PT Hanjaya Mandala Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco manufacturing companies in Indonesia . In 2009, Sampoerna held an overall market share of 29.1% of the Indonesian cigarette market and retained the number one market share position. At the end of 2009, Sampoerna and its subsidiaries employed approximately 28,300 people. As the inspiring local company, in May 2005 PT Philip Morris Indonesia, an affiliate of Philip Morris International, acquiring majority ownership of Sampoerna.

Due to our rapid business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate and enterprising spirit to grow with us in forming the future of our business. The available opportunity is:

Digital Marketing Executive (DME)
Responsible to develop, execute, supervise, and evaluate the Digital Marketing and Direct Communication programs

General Requirements:
- Min. Bachelor Degree from any discipline (preferable from Marketing & Communication / Information & Technology)
- Min. 3 years experience in Direct Marketing Communication/Customer Relation Management/Marketing & Communication/Brand Management/Interactive Channel Management/ IT Business Solution
- Skills and knowledge about Digital Marketing / Digital Media and or Online Advertisement are strongly required

We invite you to apply to this great opportunity by sending your complete profile to recruitment@sampoerna.com (Email Subject: DME Jakarta – July 2010), not later than 28 July 2010

**Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to the selection process**

Seminar ”Your Gateway To Success!”


Universitas Gajah Mada
Auditorium Room, Fakultas Kehutanan
July 19, 2010
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Ruang C Gedung Pusat bahasa
July 22, 2010
- Universitas Indonesia
- Univ. Tarumanegara
Auditorium Room, Pusat Studi Jepang
Ruang Auditorium Kampus I
July 26, 2010
July 26, 2010
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Ruang Presentasi PCAD ITB GKU Timur Lantai 2.
July 28, 2010
Established in 1990, Bank Ekonomi has been a member of the HSBC Group since 2009. As a leading SME Bank in Indonesia , we are currently embarking on an exciting journey of transformation as we become part of “The World’s Local Bank”. We are in search of smart and energentic graduates to koin our nine month intensive development program.If you aspire to be one of Bank Ekonomi’s future Leaders,come talk to us.
We Offer You:
If you:
  1. S1 and/or S2 graduate from leading universities in Indonesia , or overseas graduate with GPA minimum 3.00 (out of 4.00)
  2. Maximum 26 years of age
  3. Any major of study, preferably Business, Economics, Engineering, and Science
  4. Highly involved in campus leadership and organizational activities
  5. Mastery of English, TOEFL score at least 500
Prepare CV, state your relevant qualifications, experiences, reference and a recent photograph. Drop your CV at the seminar.
  Only short listed applicants will be contacted

For more information, please visit : http://jobs.experd.com/bankekonomi

Vacancy in PT. HM Sampoerna


PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia, produces brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau, and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the leading international tobacco company.

Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate and enterprising spirit to grow with us in forming the future of our business.

Current opportunities include:

PROJECT MANAGER (Surabaya Based)

Key responsibilities:
° Leading a project team to ensure that the project will be executed within the defined quality and safety codes, time and also the given budget.
° Coordination between the process, construction and utilities and EHS Engineers to ensure a continuity process of the project execution / construction supervision to meet the company’s business plan and objectives
° In detail this role will encompass all supports for the new projects (green field, brown field) within the PMI Asia Region including major projects in Indonesia

° Minimum Bachelor Degree in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering
° Minimum 8 years of professional experience in Building Engineering /Operations area, in construction supervision and out of which at least 3 years in managing projects
° Has knowledge and skills in project/construction management, design and construction methods, building materials, national and international standard and regulations for design, construction and risk management
° Computer literate with good command in English both written and oral


Key Responsibilities:
° Review the latest packaging concepts & trends in the market and identify those that should be researched further for our industry
° Coordinate experimental designs for the development and testing of product and technology innovation on current and new equipment in anticipation for quality improvement, new market concepts, costumer needs, and legislation requirements
° Develop strategic plans, budgets and schedules for high impact programs / projects
° Conduct complex studies on process evaluation activities across plant sites and dissimilar functions to generate and capture innovative solutions or ideas for our business

° University Degree (S1) in majority engineering e.g. mechanical or industrial engineering
° Minimum 5 years progressive working experience in manufacturing business process and or Product Development area (from: Cigarettes, Pharmaceutical, Food or any Fast Moving Consumer Goods industries).

For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications please send your comprehensive resume not later than 30 July 2010 to:

Update Smadav 2010 Rev.8.2


Belum lama smadav merelease versi terbarunya yaitu Rev.8.2 yang menurut pembuatnya ada penambahan database 80 virus baru, perbaikan false alarm, penambahan teknik heuristik untuk varian virus penginfeksi exe, dan beberapa perbaikan bug lainnya.

Silahkan download antivirus Smadav 2010 Rev.8.2 DISINI

Lowongan di World Vision Indonesia


World Vision Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

World Vision Indonesia is seeking the following position :


Major Role :
Implement development program at community level

Qualifications :
1. S1 degree in any discipline with organizational experience
2. Willing to be relocated anywhere in Indonesia (Papua, NTT, Kalimantan, Sulawesi/North Mollucas)
3. Min. TOEFL Score 450

Submit your application with updated CV not later than July 11, 2010 to: online application through http://cdc.ui.ac.id

Human Resources Development
World Vision International, Indonesia
RecruitmentIndonesia@wvi.org or
visit our website at www.worldvision.or.id

As a child focused organization, WV is committed to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background checks.

Lowongan di PT Saipem Indonesia



Saipem (43% owned by Eni) is a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services for the oil & gas industry, with unique capabilities in designing and executing large-scale offshore and onshore projects. We have a strong expertise in operating in deepwater and remote areas. We have significant technological competence in gas monetization and heavy oil exploitation.

We are looking for a dynamic and motivated individuals to join our company as:

Junior Account Payable
Qualifications :
1. Educational background, base on Accounting
2. GPA minimum 3 or 3.2
3. Fresh Graduate
4. Good knowledge of written and oral English
5. Able to joint immediately

Junior HR
Qualifications :
1. Educational background, base on Management / Economics
2. GPA minimum 3 or 3.2
3. Fresh Graduate
4. Good knowledge of written and oral English
5. Able to joint immediately

Junior Purchasing
Qualifications :
1. Educational background, base on Management / Metalurgy and Material Engineering
2. GPA minimum 3 or 3.2
3. Fresh Graduate
4. Good knowledge of written and oral English
5. Able to joint immediately

Junior Environmental Engineer
Qualifications :
1. Educational background, base on Community Public Health
2. GPA minimum 3 or 3.2
3. Fresh Graduate
4. Good knowledge of written and oral English
5. Able to joint immediately

Junior Offshore Methods Engineer
Qualifications :
1. Educational background, base on Civil / Structure / Ocean Engineering
2. GPA minimum 3 or 3.2
3. Fresh Graduate
4. Good knowledge of written and oral English
5. Able to joint immediately

Base location: Jakarta (willing to be relocated within Asia Pacific)

The Company offers excellent global career opportunities. For detailed company information, kindly visit http://www.saipem.eni.it Interested candidates shall apply to: recruitment@saipem.co.id or apply online at : http://cdc.ui.ac.id stating position applied for in the subject e-mail latest by 5 July 2010 (please attach only Resume/CV, with picture in word file, GPA info, size not more than 250KB). We regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified.

12 Cara Alami Bunuh Kantuk


Kurang tidur seringkali dijadikan alasan mengantuk saat jam kerja. Tak sedikit dari Anda mencoba mengatasinya dengan secangkir kopi atau menenggak minuman penambah energi. Tetapi, tanpa disadari, minuman itu justru membuat Anda ketergantungan.

Minuman berkafein memang dapat mencegah rasa kantuk. Namun Anda patut mewaspadai efek sampingnya, mulai dari memangkas waktu tidur, mengganggu siklus dan menurunkan kualitas tidur Anda.

Lalu, bagaimana caranya agar Anda bisa tetap "melek" secara alami? Ada baiknya Anda mencoba 12 cara berikut ini :

1. Bangun dari kursi dan berjalan-jalan sejenak
Dalam sebuah studi populer, Robert Thayer PhD, seorang profesor di California State University, Long Beach, mempelajari apakah orang-orang lebih bersemangat dengan makan permen atau berjalan-jalan cepat 10 menit.

Meskipun mengunyah permen meningkatkan energi, satu jam kemudian tubuh akan kembali lelah. Sementara berjalan selama 10 menit meningkatkan energi hingga dua jam ke depan. Itu karena saat berjalan, oksigen dipompa melalui pembuluh darah Anda ke otak dan otot.

Jika Anda bekerja di meja, sering-seringlah untuk berjalan-jalan sebentar. Baik di luar gedung saat jam makan siang atau di gedung tempat Anda bekerja, akan membuat Anda merasa lebih waspada dan segar.

2. Istirahatkan mata untuk hindari kelelahan
Nongkrong di depan komputer selama berjam-jam dapat menyebabkan mata lelah. Alihkan pandangan dari layar komputer selama beberapa menit untuk membuat mata lebih rileks.

3. Pilih cemilan yang sehat
Cemilan sehat dapat meningkatkan energi lebih lama, seperti:
1. Kacang mentega pada kerupuk gandum atau batang seledri
2. Yogurt dan segenggam kacang-kacangan atau buah segar
3. Baby carrots dengan saus krim keju rendah lemak.

4. Ngobrol dengan rekan kerja
Jika Anda tidak konsentrasi, ngobrolah untuk membuat pikiran anda rileks sejenak. "Bicaralah dengan rekan kerja tentang bisnis, politik, atau agama. Ini akan menjadi perangsang yang kuat terutama pembicaraan tentang politik," kata Krakow, Direktur Medis dari Maimonides Seni Tidur dan Ilmu Pengetahuan, Ltd di Albuquerque.

5. Bikin ruang kerja lebih terang
Lingkungan dengan pencahayaan redup memicu kelelahan. Studi menunjukkan cahaya terang dapat mengurangi kantuk dan meningkatkan kewaspadaan.

6. Tarik nafas dalam
Menarik nafas yang dalam dapat meningkatkan kadar oksigen darah dalam tubuh. Hal ini memperlambat detak jantung, menurunkan tekanan darah, dan meningkatkan sirkulasi, yang pada akhirnya membantu kinerja mental dan energi.

Ide dari latihan pernafasan adalah untuk menghirup udara ke perut, bukan dada. Anda dapat melakukannya di meja Anda. Duduk tegak, cobalah latihan ini sampai 10 kali :

* Dengan satu tangan di perut Anda tepat di bawah tulang rusuk dan yang lainnya di dada Anda, tarik napas dalam melalui hidung Anda dan biarkan perut Anda mendorong tangan Anda keluar. Dada Anda tidak boleh bergerak.
* Tarik napas melalui bibir seolah-olah Anda bersiul. Anda dapat menggunakan tangan di perut Anda untuk membantu mendorong udara keluar.

Teknik lain disebut merangsang napas, digunakan dalam yoga untuk meningkatkan energi dan meningkatkan kewaspadaan. Caranya : Tarik dan hembuskan napas secara cepat cepat melalui hidung. Mulut Anda tetap tertutup tapi santai. Lakukan teknik napas ini dengan tempo singkat, yakni tiga kali dari setiap siklus dalam satu detik. Lalu setelahnya, bernapaslah dengan normal. Anda dapat melakukannya sampai 15 detik untuk pertama kali dan untuk berikutnya tambahkan lima detik setiap kali melakukannya hingga mencapai satu menit.

7. Menepilah saat mengantuk ketika mengemudi
"Mengemudi sambil mengantuk sama bahayanya dengan mengemudi di bawah pengaruh alkohol," kata Siebern. Triknya, Anda dapat membuka jendela dan menyalakan musik keras. "Gantikan posisi anda yang mengemudi dengan orang lain atau menepilah dan tidur hingga kantuknya hilang," kata Siebern.

Jika Anda berada dalam perjalanan panjang, gantilah posisi pengemudi sesering mungkin. Berhenti setidaknya setiap dua jam untuk berjalan-jalan dan mendapatkan udara segar.

8. Alihkan tugas untuk stimulasikan pikiran
Pada 2004, peneliti Finlandia mempelajari orang-orang yang bekerja shift malam (jam 12). Mereka menemukan bahwa pekerjaan monoton sama berbahayanya karena mengurangi waktu tidur dan menurunkan kewaspadaan. Cobalah melakukan tugas yang berbeda di rumah atau di tempat kerja saat mengantuk. Atau beralih ke tugas lain yang lebih menarik ketika Anda merasa mengantuk.

9. Minum air
Dehidrasi dapat menyebabkan kelelahan. Pastikan Anda minum banyak air dan makan makanan yang mengandung kadar air tinggi seperti buah dan sayuran.

10. Tidur siang sejenak hilangkan kantuk
Menurut Barry Krakow, MD, penulis Sound Sleep, Sound Mind: Seven Keys to Sleeping Through the Night, ada dua hal yang perlu diingat tentang tidur siang: Jangan tidur siang lebih dari sekali, atau mendekati waktu tidur Anda. "Tidurlah antara 5 sampai 25 menit," kata Barry.

Waktu tidur siang sebaiknya enam atau tujuh jam sebelum Anda biasa akan pergi tidur. Jika Anda ingin istirahat hampir saat jam tidur, istirahatlah lebih pendek.

Jika Anda perlu tidur siang di tempat kerja, lebih baik jangan tidur di meja. Beberapa perusahaan menyediakan kamar tidur bagi karyawan. Atau anda dapat melatih selama liburan dengan jam alarm untuk memastikan anda bangun tepat waktu.

"Jika Anda tidak dapat tidur, beristirahatlah dengan menutup mata selama 10 menit atau lebih," kata Allison T. Siebern, PhD, dari Stanford University Sleep Medicine Center di Redwood City, California.

11. Udara siang mengatur siklus tidur
Cobalah untuk menghabiskan setidaknya 30 menit sehari di bawah sinar matahari alami. (Bagi penderita insomnia, para ahli merekomendasikan untuk tidur pada jam matahari pagi bersinar). Berjalanlah keluar untuk menghirup udara segar sekaligus memulihkan kembali indera Anda.

12. Olahraga
Hasil analisis 70 penelitian pada 2006 yang melibatkan lebih dari 6.800 orang, para ahli dari Universitas Georgia menemukan, olahraga lebih efektif meningkatkan energi dan mengurangi kelelahan di siang hari daripada mengonsumsi obat. Olahraga teratur juga meningkatkan kualitas tidur.

Cobalah berolahraga selama 30 menit sehari. Jika Anda memutuskan berlatih keras dalam beberapa hari, kemungkinan tingkat energi Anda akan menurun dan baru pulih dalam beberapa jam kemudian. Konsumsilah makanan yang mengandung protein dan karbohidrat dalam waktu dua jam setelah latihan berat untuk mengganti hilangnya energi di awal latihan. Pastikan untuk menyelesaikan latihan beberapa jam sebelum waktu tidur sehingga Anda mengantuk saat mencoba tidur.

Kapan perlu ke dokter?
Jika Anda tak bisa berhenti mengantuk, waspadalah! Konsultasikan dengan dokter atau spesialis tidur. Mungkin Anda memiliki gangguan tidur seperti kantuk berlebihan atau narkolepsi. Jika Anda sulit tidur karena stres atau alasan lain, terapi perilaku kognitif dapat membantu mengembangkan kebiasaan tidur yang baik dan mengurangi kecemasan tidur.

Sumber: Kompas.com